
Showing posts from November, 2015

File Write - Python

""" python v2.7.9 file write operation """ portlist=[21,22,25,80,8080,9999,8888,143,3306] servicelist=['FTP','SMTP','MYSQL','HTTP'] fi=open('ports.txt','w') for ports in portlist: fi.write(str(ports)+"\n") fi.close() with open('services.txt','w') as fi: for services in servicelist: fi.write(services+"\n")

File Read - Python

""" python v2.7.9""" print("[+] Read whole File [+]") with open("file.txt") as line: print( print("[+] Read line by line [+]") with open("file.txt") as line: for txt in line: print("Lines: "+txt.rstrip())

Port Scanning in Python for Open Ports

""" Python v2.x Port Scanning for the given host. Display all the open ports""" import socket global host def help(): print("Usage") print("Enter the host IP:") print("Enter the host IP:") def port_scan(): global host print("[+] Port scanning initiated for "+str(host)+"...") for i in range(1,65535): soc=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: soc.connect((host,i)) print("Port %s : OPEN"%(str(i))) except: pass soc.close() print("[+] Scanning Done [+]") valid=True host=raw_input("Enter the host IP:") valid_host=host.split(".") len_host=len(valid_host) if (len_host<4) or (len_host>4): print("Invalid Host") help() elif len_host==4: for i in valid_host: try: if (int(i)<0) or (int(i)>255): print("Invalid Host") valid=False hel...

HTTP Request in Python using urllib Module

import urllib soc=urllib.urlopen("") print("Status Code: "+str(soc.code)) print(result) print(result.keys()) print("Server:"+result['server']) print("Data Returned: "